I think it was John D. Rockefeller who once said “If you don’t want it known, don’t say it on the phone” or words to that effect.
I think.
You have to understand that my brain, along with my memories are pre-Google so while this is maybe a quote from Rockefeller I’m so old that I’m not entirely sure he said it - but I seem to remember that way.
The problem with many TRAs is that they feel the need to be validated so much that they’ll post pictures of themselves that most of us find ridiculous (such as Jordan here).
Meanwhile, Jordan here takes exception that this information that he publicly posted on Twitter was shared.
As I have said before, if you don’t want to known you shouldn’t put it on the internet, especially on a public platform like Twitter without the benefit of protecting your Tweets.
Even protecting your Tweets is no guarantee of having a reasonable expectation of privacy.
Courts have generally ruled that there is no reasonable expectation of privacy on information placed on web sites. However, the courts have alluded to the fact that a reasonable expectation may exist of measures are taken to protect that information, such as passwords.
In United States v D'Andrea, F.Supp.2d (D.Mass. 2007) for Fourth Amendment purposes, there can be no reasonable expectation of privacy in matters voluntarily disclosed or entrusted to third parties, even those disclosed to person with whom one has confidential business relationship. Internet users have no reasonable expectation of privacy protected by Fourth Amendment in their subscriber information, length of their stored files, and other non content data to which service providers must have access.
Fourth Amendment Aspects of Internet Communications and Technology Dennis Nicewander, Assistant State Attorney, 17th Judicial Circuit, Ft. Lauderdale, FL Page 18 of 20:
“The Court finds that this society is simply not prepared to recognize as “reasonable” a claim that a picture on the Internet is “private” in nature, such that the Government cannot access it. In fact, the Court believes that our society would recognize the opposite; that a person who places a photograph on the Internet precisely intends to forsake and renounce all privacy rights to such imagery, particularly under circumstances such as here, where the Defendant did not employ protective measures or devices that would have controlled access to the Web page or the photograph itself.”
So I will repeat this once again for the Jordans and other TRAs of the world who accuse me or anyone else of posting “revenge porn” from pictures I got from your public facing social media accounts:
When you share anything on social media, you lose your constitutional right to a reasonable expectation of privacy.
Nor can you complain when I read your posts about how much you creep and perv on Emma Watson (who, by now, should be regretting her stance on having called J.K. Rowling transphobic):
It used to be back in the day we would just give a wide berth to someone with obvious mental illness yelling at imaginary people from the sidewalk - we never once considered giving them a platform to scream at the whole world.
TRAs certainly aren’t immune from criticism in any form. If they don’t want to be criticized perhaps they should exercise some form of modesty and do as the rest of us do - keep it to themselves.
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