I Was Assured This Never Happens
James "Hannah" Tubbs Confesses To Gaming The System For A Reduced Sentence
In a newsletter some posts back I recounted the story of one James Tubbs, AKA “Hannah” as he now identifies himself, thanks largely in part to Self-ID - a process where anyone can claim to be trans.
To recap:
Back in 2014, James entered a women’s bathroom in a Denny’s where he promptly grabbed a 10 year old girl by the throat, pushed her into a stall where he locked her in and proceeded to put his hand down her pants.
The thing is James was 17 at the time he committed this crime, was very much male and what should come as no surprise to the readers of this fine newsletter was that once the law caught up with him in Idaho (where he had eventually fled California to) he started identifying as female.
Because he identifies as female he was tried, convicted and sentenced to a scant two years in a female juvenile detention facility where he doesn’t have to register as a sex offender upon release.
In a call between Tubbs and his father…well, I’ll just let you, the reader, hear the audio for yourself.

I was assured that this never happens. I was assured that nobody wants to be trans. I was assured that nobody would claim to be trans in order to get out any severe punishment they have coming their way for the heinous crimes they’ve committed.
And I was assured that gender dysphoria was legit a thing that nobody would ever, ever fake.
Yes, he’s going to be segregated in solitary confinement away from the general population but that’s not the point: the point is he doesn’t belong in a female juvenile detention facility, he belongs in a men’s prison.
James Tubbs committed this heinous crime as a male and persisted in being male until his arrest when, suddenly, he has gender dysphoria and now claims to be female.
What is easier to believe: that he was dysphoric the whole time or that he’s trying to avoid going to a men’s prison where he is certainly going to find himself on the receiving end of some jailhouse justice because of the nature of his crime?
I leave it to you, the reader, to decide.