So, there was the Genspect conference in Colorado on November 4th and, by all accounts, it was a successful conference insofar the TRAs didn’t overrun the place to try to shut it down.
The intent and purpose of Genspect (according to their website) is Genspect is an international, non-partisan, interdisciplinary professional and educational organization devoted to advancing a healthy approach to sex and gender. Its team and members strive to promote high-quality, evidence-based care for gender-nonconforming individuals all around the world.
Basically, the conference hosted a lot of interesting ideas from some of leading professionals discussing all the things TRAs hate, things like how to combat gender ideology honestly.
And things were going just fine until Phil Illy showed up wearing a blue velvet dress.
Phil, in case you don’t know or it’s not intuitively obvious, is a self-admitted autogynephile: a man who is in love with the idea of himself as a woman.
And, yes, he admits it.
Now, I would think that his presence at Genspect would have been valuable if nothing else but a teaching moment for the world at large: here we have Phil Illy, an actual living, breathing end-result of gender ideology having showed up at a conference all about gender ideology, even having gone as far as to write a whole-ass book on the subject of autogynephilia (which, I admit, I haven’t read yet) and I would think that, at a minimum, there are more important things to discuss than who wore what.
Before I go any further: I am not here to advocate for autogynephiles, I haven't labeled any of them as "the good ones," and I have no particular interest in fetishists, whether as individuals or as a collective, and that’s precisely what autogynephilia is: a fetish.
That being said, the hue and cry over Illy’s presence on Twitter by a purity death spiral of mostly radfems who insist that the intent of Illy was to "draw everyone into his fetish” leads me to conclude that these people are so insulated that have no idea what the actual fuck they’re talking about.
It's important to mention that Illy was at the conference as a participant, not as a speaker or organizer. Even if Genspect mistakenly included him in a series of tweets showcasing recognizable individuals "spotted" at the event. Are we expecting Genspect to screen and turn away potential attendees? Or perhaps approve their outfits at the entrance?
Nina Paley once said of Illy that he “knows he's a man, looks like a man, [and] makes no pretensions to not be a man.” Thus, he “exemplifies what [gender criticals] insisted was OK 5 years ago.”
Illy was also seen using the men’s room.
As far as I can tell, Genspect aims to offer non-medical options for individuals questioning their gender, particularly children and youth. This goal has always had my support. It entails finding solutions for those questioning their gender identity, some of whom choose to wear clothing typically associated with the opposite sex, for reasons that may or may not be clear or approved by others.
Finally, autogynephiles are a reality. Managing their condition proves challenging, primarily because many choose to deny its existence. In all fields, and especially in psychology, acknowledging the truth is more beneficial than denial. Individuals who comprehend their motivations are in a better position to address and potentially overcome their challenges. Alternatively, self-awareness enables them to navigate and channel their struggles in a constructive and minimally harmful manner.
Now, to address the mostly insular rafems engaging in purity spirals that are never ending and will never be enough, I have a solution for you.
Recognizing that there are and always will be AGPs (or troons, or even pedophiles) it occurs to me that if you’re earnest about ridding the world of these scourges then we should focus solely on the root of the problem.
That’s right: we kill all the humans because humans are at the root of this problem: they keep making the babies that will one day grow up to be AGPs, or troons, or even pedophiles.
And you radfems who think that it will never happen that you could eventually be responsible for birthing the next Phil Illy, what reasonable guarantee or assurances can you give that this will never happen? Other than your word?
Uh huh. Yeah, you have to go too. Sorry, no exceptions.
Or. Or! Or maybe, just maybe, we use our collective noodle to come up with constructive ways of dealing with the Phil Illy’s of the world?