The BBC Discovers The Cotton Ceiling
Lesbians Are Being Coerced Into Having Sex With Men In Dresses
Before I delve further into this article I’d like to take a moment to tell you that I have been saying this since 2017, the year I finally peaked and that I have been saying this since that time I have been called everything from “bigot” to “TERF” to “transphobic” and “liar”.
I have also lost friends, some I’ve had for a long time, because I refused to budge one fucking inch and recant saying what Magdalen Berns (Peace Be Upon Her) has been telling the world since 2016 - that there are men who put on dresses, call themselves women, identify themselves as lesbians and try their level best to get lesbians (same-sex attracted females) to sleep with them.
And here’s the kicker: this coercion actually works.
A BBC article this week entitled We're being pressured into sex by some trans women recounts the story of Amy (not her real name) who was being talked into a threesome by her girlfriend (who is bisexual) with a transwoman and when Amy refused to sleep with a man because she’s a lesbian.
Seems perfectly reasonable to me that a lesbian wouldn’t want to have sex with a man, indeed any man and Amy’s girlfriend would have also seen this as a perfectly reasonable objection but that wasn’t the case.
In fact, Amy’s girlfriend got most upset at Amy’s reaction.
"The first thing she called me was transphobic," Amy said. "She immediately jumped to make me feel guilty about not wanting to sleep with someone."
She said the trans woman in question had not undergone genital surgery, so still had a penis.
"I know there is zero possibility for me to be attracted to this person," said Amy, who lives in the south west of England and works in a small print and design studio.
"I can hear their male vocal cords. I can see their male jawline. I know, under their clothes, there is male genitalia. These are physical realities, that, as a woman who likes women, you can't just ignore."
Amy said she would feel this way even if a trans woman had undergone genital surgery - which some opt for, while many don't.
Soon afterwards Amy and her girlfriend split up.
"I remember she was extremely shocked and angry, and claimed my views were extremist propaganda and inciting violence towards the trans community, as well as comparing me to far-right groups," she said.
This is exactly how this coercion works and is allowed to work: it’s, at best, emotional extortion because nobody but a bigot and an extremist wants to be seen as a bigot or an extremist. Anyone who appears to espouse “transphobic” views is often shunned by a society at large that often results in de-platforming, cancellation, and loss of both status and employment.
At worst this is DIY conversion therapy.
I’m not going to recount the horror stories of all the lesbians who have experienced this in some form or another. Much has been written on this subject, much has been said in various publications. My feeling on this is pretty much the same as any right-thinking person would feel; if it happens to just one lesbian that’s one lesbian too many.
Instead, I’m going to show you what the reaction to this latest BBC article has been over at Trans Twitter.
And on it goes.
I have to ask you, the reader, if you have by now noticed a distinct pattern as to who is mostly come out against this article?
Yeah, that’s right: men.
That’s because men’s sexual rights movement has a vested interest that this truth not be told. The mental well-being of a men’s sexual rights movement demands it.
Oh, there’s some women who have also come out against this article, per this one example:
But that’s only out of fear. Fear that Katie, and others like her, will be shunned and silenced because they don’t want to be seen as “transphobic”.