The latest news about the assault on Fred Sargeant has, unbelievably (well, I can believe it) has gotten worse.
This individual seen here was part of the rabble that savagely attacked Fred yesterday at Burlington Pride in Vermont. Of particular note, Fred was attacked by at least six Trans Rights Activists but this one in particular is at the top of my shit list.
She was part of the mob that attacked Fred and robbed him of $600 of personal property after Fred was knocked to the ground and pummeled and when she was asked to justify her attack on Fred, all she could say was that Fred “wasn’t hurt”.
Then there’s this stupid, self absorbed, identity obsessed child who had the nerve to harass Fred Sargeant at Pride, the movement that he started.
He’s taken to TikTok to tell everyone why he did it.

“He was not a founder of Pride”
Oh yes he is, child! In fact, Fred is THE founder of Pride when he helped form the very first Pride event in New York City in 1970. That you can walk the streets in relative safety today looking the way you do and not get hassled for it was directly a result of the groundwork Fred laid for you.
In fact, I will now Tap The Sign…
And you do.
The gay community was kind enough to let you come along for the ride and this is how you thank them, by assaulting the very man who made Pride possible for you when the gay community had no reason to do so.
And calling a sign that reads Gay Not Queer hateful isn’t hate. If you had any sense of history, any at all, you’d know that the word Queer is a slur, something Fred has been fighting his whole life.
When you go to a Gay Pride march in order to gay bash the other participants you are not the good guys.
Putting Fred’s participation at Stonewall and the first Pride events aside, Fred is 74 years old. He can only get around on a cane these days so a simple fall could be spectacularly fatal to him, to say nothing of getting his hip broken.
The survival rate for a broken hip drops dramatically for every decade after 50. So, what would be a simple assault on a 20 or 30 something could turn into manslaughter on a 70 something.
This could have easily devolved into a homicide.
Not just hips, either. Lots of ways for an elderly person to die or be disabled from a simple fall.
And they’re the most threatened ….. think they mean threatening