In her testimony given under deposition, Sagal Sadiq - a transman currently incarcerated in a women’s prison in Chowchilla, CA made two very interesting observations.
In the fourth declaration of her testimony, Sadiq declared that the conditions at Chowchilla are such that the women “can no longer work on rehabilitating themselves because they are in a constant state of hypervigilance.”
“Hypervigilance” doesn’t even begin to describe what is going on in the prison as the women housed in Chowchilla have taken to sleeping in shifts to prevent other women from being raped in the middle of the night.
It also hasn’t prevented the inevitable: at least one woman has gotten pregnant, perhaps more, and what is even more ridiculous is the conspicuous presence of a condom dispenser.
A condom dispenser. In a women’s prison.
The other point Sadiq makes in the 13th declaration that no transman has ever taken prison officials up on the offer to be housed in a men’s prison.
It’s almost as if they instinctively know that men and women are different somehow.
I have said this before and it bears repeating: this is the madness that is Self-ID, that we take someone at their word they are a woman and suspend our disbelief to “be kind”. No men belong in women’s prisons regardless of how they identify and to house them with women is beyond cruel and unusual punishment and it is anything but “kind”.
As of April 2021, since SB 132 went to effect, 129 inmates have identified as transgender, non-binary and/or intersex and you, the reader, would be correct in surmising that the number of males requesting transfers to women’s prisons far outpaces the number of females making similar requests to men’s prisons.
SB 132 is a bill that was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom in January that requires a prisoner be housed “in a correctional facility designated for men or women based on the individual’s preference.”
In other words, a man who prefers to be housed with female inmates because he says he’s a woman.
That’s right. No gender reassignment surgery, no hormones, not even so much as lipstick and a dress – come as you are and accept that I’m a woman because I say so.
Similar laws have been passed in Connecticut and Massachusetts.
Every individual coming into the custody of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation is asked to specify their pronouns, their gender identity and whether they identify as transgender, non-binary or intersex (which is not a sexual orientation but a diagnosable medical condition which, in this case, is not being diagnosed).
This begs a question: what is easier to believe? That all these male inmates have had gender dysphoria persistent through and beyond puberty or that they suddenly find themselves being locked in a cage with a captive audience of women?
I think I share the same conclusions my readers have already drawn.