Didn't you know that Joan of Arc was nonbinary and James Beard was queer?

On the other hand, as a gay man I take perverse delight (no pun intended) in the fact that the existence of same-sex attracted men has been documented at as far back as Old Testament times. I won't cite chapter and verse here. You're probably familiar with the texts.

Sure, the authors of the Old Testament had nothing good to say about sodomites, but they wouldn't have bothered writing them into their holy book if they hadn't had a real presence in their society.

So it is throughout the ages. Why, even the slanderous section 2357 of the Catholic Catechism that declares homosexual acts to be "intrinsically disordered" concedes the point when it states "[Homosexuality] has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures." http://www.scborromeo.org/ccc/para/2357.htm

The surest proof that gender identity is made up nonsense is that it completely escaped the notice of religious authorities.

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Plastic surgery and synthetic hormones hadn’t been invented yet.

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Exactly…but they’ll make something up.

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They always do.

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