Oh no, William Ferguson! You just lost me! I fully understand and agree with your assessment of the Democrats, but don't turn to the likes of Ron DeSantis to spite the Dems. Complain from within the party if nothing else, or don't vote at all. Ron DeSantis is not friend to women, he's a right-wing grifter. Remember, after all, how most Republicans view women's reproductive rights... Tell the Democrats off, for sure, but don't support Republicans, unless you can bring back the ghost of Nelson Rockefeller... (oh no, I'm giving away my age!), although today's Republicans would pillory him. Mostly I like and agree with your substack articles, but had to share my two cents on this issue. With Democrats there may be hope for change for the better; with Republicans, there's no or next to no hope. Of course, either way, women and children (and most men for that matter) lose. It's a sad state of affairs. There I think we probably agree.

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