I think we will look back on this week and see it as an inflection point. In a single week:
* NHS/Cass restricted puberty blockers
* NAIA (USA) barred "trans" athletes from collegiate sports
* the Vatican proclaimed that all of gender ideology is immoral
And all this just after
* the WPATH files.
Europe is headed in the right direction but given the profitability of "trans" affirmation, progress in healthcare-for-profit USA is going to be slow. Another problem with American reversal is that opposition to "trans" is seen as a right-wing bigotry. Getting across that decent people have the same opposition for different reasons is going to be a hard sell in America's bumper sticker discourse. But not as hard as it would have been a year ago; "transphobia!" has lost its sting.
Our greatest effort needs to be in discrediting the "genocide" lie, that any delay in hormones and surgeries means suicide. The argument is simple but subtle: suiciding kids are mentally ill, and mentally ill kids commit suicide in the same numbers both with and without "trans." We counter with easily-grasped histograms showing where the real suicide is, post-surgery.
Our side needs to project a simple and unambiguous position: "trans" is sickness (this will be easy with them on camera a lot more) and the only acceptable treatment is psychiatric reconciliation with one's biological sex. No hormones, no surgery, not at any age.
I think we will look back on this week and see it as an inflection point. In a single week:
* NHS/Cass restricted puberty blockers
* NAIA (USA) barred "trans" athletes from collegiate sports
* the Vatican proclaimed that all of gender ideology is immoral
And all this just after
* the WPATH files.
Europe is headed in the right direction but given the profitability of "trans" affirmation, progress in healthcare-for-profit USA is going to be slow. Another problem with American reversal is that opposition to "trans" is seen as a right-wing bigotry. Getting across that decent people have the same opposition for different reasons is going to be a hard sell in America's bumper sticker discourse. But not as hard as it would have been a year ago; "transphobia!" has lost its sting.
Our greatest effort needs to be in discrediting the "genocide" lie, that any delay in hormones and surgeries means suicide. The argument is simple but subtle: suiciding kids are mentally ill, and mentally ill kids commit suicide in the same numbers both with and without "trans." We counter with easily-grasped histograms showing where the real suicide is, post-surgery.
Our side needs to project a simple and unambiguous position: "trans" is sickness (this will be easy with them on camera a lot more) and the only acceptable treatment is psychiatric reconciliation with one's biological sex. No hormones, no surgery, not at any age.