Aug 22, 2023·edited Aug 22, 2023Liked by William A. Ferguson

"(because troon ideology is too fucking retarded for most adults to fall for it)"

If only this was true. There are millions of adults, most of them smart enough to know better, breaking long friendships over disagreements about William Thomas, whether men can have children (I want to be *inclusive*), school boards putting on rainbow shit, children's books promoting "sex change," no, it is not just disturbed teens. Interviewees getting irate, or furious, at the suggestion that "trans" people are not their fake sex.

This is an extremely sick movement.

By the way, don't wish for a clearer or more capacious memory. I have one; it's nice to be able to remember all my numbers, passport and credit cards, to remember the period of the first pulsar, 1.33730113 seconds (memory, not Google) from 1964. I could memorize a phone book (the numbers, anyway, not so good with names). Going out clubbing I could get five phone numbers from guys I wanted to date, write them down three days later, all exactly right.

It also means taking every humiliation, embarrassment, and shame of my life to bed with me every night, being hit out of nowhere anytime with horrible memories. I even remember breast-feeding, and the awakening to self-awareness as an infant. Great!

But I have a lot of memories I wish I could erase.

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The operative word here is "most".

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Aug 22, 2023·edited Aug 22, 2023Liked by William A. Ferguson

Nowhere near enough.

And I think if you factored out the bigots would find out the the sensible people are a minority. One thing I figured out very early in life is that most people triangulate from television and other influences how they're "supposed" to think and work hard to conform. All my life this has been one thing I hate most about my own species, and why I have "misanthrope" in every online profile.

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Aug 22, 2023·edited Aug 22, 2023

Nailed it! One quibble is that it wasn't Mr Beast who is pretending to be a woman, it was his friend on the show who exploited his (the friend's) position.

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Duly noted.

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