Jun 27, 2023·edited Jun 27, 2023Liked by William A. Ferguson

How long would it take before the city was deluged with shrieks of “transphobia,” if not “genocide?” The dead ***man*** would have been transformed into a victim of “trans” hate, who overdosed because off the pain of living in a world so warped and wrong that "she" didn't get everything "she" ever wanted immediately.

And the children were, as are any children in the vicinity the “trans,” in danger of being rushed off to “affirmation.”

What a cluster.

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By the way, I understand that you were deferring the money shot for a timely release, but as a personal favor, please refrain as much as possible from the singular “they.” It literally, as in actually, as in not-bullshitting-you, gives me a headache.

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I’ve objected to it since my first acquaintance with foreign languages at 13. People routinely pair “someone” with “they” because they are fucking morons who don’t plan ahead. I used to be a stutterer so I had to plan ahead, and when I learned Russian, planning ahead was no longer optional. Cases, conjugations, declensions.

And now the “nonbinary” fucktards demand we use it, and one can go to jail in some states for using correct grammar.

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I believe I only used it once in this article, though inadvertently.

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by William A. Ferguson

I wish I didn’t believe this but I do

Going back 20 odd years ago I was told to change my report , the rspca were called to remove a dog from an abusive household but I wasn’t allowed to remove the children

Resignation the next day

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In Jan 2009, the day I returned from my father's funeral, Microsoft made me do pair programming.

Resignation the next day too.

I took scissors from my manager's pencil cup, cut my cardkey in half, and threw the halves on his desk. It was just about the most undignified experience of my life,

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Jun 28, 2023·edited Jun 28, 2023Liked by William A. Ferguson

For those unfamiliar (how lucky you are) it's long established that the key to good software development is prolonged unbroken concentration. Microsoft once understood this and their early success was founded on that recognition. Then they became big and run by MBA morons instead of former programmers.

In pair programming, you sit hip to hip with another developer, the idea being that your share the keyboard and critique each others' work. This is a fantasy and most senior developers absolutely hate it.

In this case, my "partner" had just returned from vacation in India, a lickspittle corprat to whom I had taken an instant intense dislike. His proximity made me extremely uncomfortable, I don't sleep that close to my spouse. He whined about every keystroke I made, and at one point went to my whiteboard to explain polymorphism to me, something I had learned about the time he was breastfeeding.

And he smelled.

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Jun 28, 2023·edited Jun 28, 2023Liked by William A. Ferguson

Eleven years later I realized talking to someone on Medium that since that three-hour session, I had been suffering from PTSD, which I would have thought only came from combat. I have been in three potentially fatal car accidents I went years without thinking about; after the pairing, not a day went by when I wasn't biting my knuckles and breathing hard.

I'd had no sleep that night and finally at 6AM I emailed him that I could not continue doing this. Surprisingly he answered right away and said, OK, just let me know when you get in. I expected we'd go talk to our manager and explain that I couldn't work under those conditions. I got a few hours of sleep after that.

When I got in I emailed him that I was in my office and what did he want to talk about. Two minutes later he walked in .. and pulled up the chair, apparently intending to do this pair programming shit all day. Like hell. "But Devon told us to ..." Devon doesn't have to sit here and listen to you whine. Now get out of my office NOW. I was ready to split his skull.

Then the phone call came from my agency, someone was in the building and could he come see me. "You're coming for my cardkey, aren't you." Eet is pawseebool yore cawntract ees ending ..." I told him to cut the shit and get it over with, and we went to my manager's office.

I think the part that most headfucked me was this lickspittle ignoring what I said, which I had expressed in most agonized terms, and coming to my office to continue.

I wrote about pair programming on Medium and made thousands of dollars from other senior devs. But I had to go into therapy.

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I'm sorry you had to go through that.

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Jun 28, 2023·edited Jun 28, 2023Liked by William A. Ferguson

That manager died 17 months later.

I didn't have anything to do with it.

It was a few weeks before I found out what was going on. Microsoft was about to have its first layoffs ever and managers were told to get as many people to quit as they could to massage down the numbers. They couldn't ask me to quit because the layoffs were secret so they put me through the most abhorrent practice in software

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