Got any “nonbinary” twits on death row? Do them next. They can yell their pronouns before they inhale the gas.

Yeah, affirmation. The state could have at least given him the transition joy of castration. Hold the anesthesia.

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I would have said Anderson Aldrich, the Colorado Nightclub Shooter who claimed a non-binary identity that Trans Twitter lost its shit over and demanded proof (ain't self-ID a thing? Respect the pronouns, bigots!) but Colorado abolished capital punishment in 2020.

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The “trans” are annoying enough, but at least there actually are som DSM-4 GIDs, even if they are one in 65,000.

But “nonbinary” has no psychiatric basis, it is 100% fake and the singular “they” inspires homicidal thoughts. I despise them.

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It’s a fashion statement.

This is by far, the most common reason that “nonbinary” people give for identifying as what they identify as. Because they see it as a means of self-expression.

It’s also the most fucking stupid.

What this tells us is that such people have such boring (at best) or toxic (at worst) personalities that the only possible way they can get people to pay attention to them is to identify as some nonbinary alien hermaphrodite.

There are countless ways to express yourself. And what do they choose? Being willfully confused about something as self-evident as what is between their damned legs. It’s both incredibly obnoxious and boring.

What it also tells us is that such people can’t seem to make up their mind. They tell us that the very concept of gender identity is so fucking important that we need to infringe on the basic rights of normal, sane people in order to force them to validate it. And then in the next breath, tell us that their gender identity is just a fashion statement.

Pick one, but you can’t have both.

If it’s a fashion statement or means of self-expression for you, any sympathy we may have had for you instantly evaporates.

We might have some pity, or even sympathy, for sufferers of gender dysphoria, even if we come to the conclusion that validating their “gender identity” is only going to make things worse for both gender dysphoric people and society at large. And even if we acknowledge the many unforgivable crimes that the trans community has committed against society and nature.

But if it’s a fashion statement, it’s not a civil rights issue, because no one is obligated to take your sense of fashion seriously. No one is legally, ethically, or morally obligated to take you seriously when you base your personality, or self-expression, on your irrational hatred for your biological sex, your desire to be a nonbinary alien hermaphrodite with a barbie doll crotch. And they are especially not obligated to not make fun of you for wearing gaudy, ridiculous clothing. If anything, people have the RIGHT to make fun of others for their poor fashion sense. For being tryhards who crave attention.

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But if you referred to it by its birth sex you could be fired in some states.

I sure hate finding myself agreeing with conservatives about anything but wow does this shit make me sick.

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Lifelong liberal here, only to have discovered I'm a secret MAGA Nazi who doesn't believe humans can change sex.

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Jun 17, 2023·edited Jun 17, 2023Liked by William A. Ferguson

I'm dead serious about my discomfort.

But it's not that I've become some kind of bigot, it's that much of my faction as bought into something ghastly because it has been presented with a pile of god-words; "inclusive," "affirming," etc. and as the next civil rights issue after gay equality. It is not.

I've dated two transgender men. They were friends I cared about. And I have known about a half-dozen others, all before this stupid fad. None of them gave a shit about pronounws, none of them demanded special attention, none of them ever talked about "transphobia" or "misgendering." Both were scheduled for surgery, after which we no longer met for sex, and both changed their pronouns at that point.

But the "trans" are not transgender. I support the transgender. the "trans" are freaks.

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If you identify as “nonbinary” or “genderfluid” or anything else of the sort, you are most likely a narcissist. Or in the very least, very self-absorbed.

No, the fact that you identify as “nonbinary” doesn’t mean that nonbinary people exist. I could identify as a vrukvan (thanks random alien name generator!) and insist that vrukvans exist because I identify as one, but that does not mean that vrukvans exist, especially if I cannot give you an actual definition of what a vrukvan is.

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There are asexual people, uninterested in sex or gender matters. They don’t hector everyone with demands for special attention and treatment.

I left the USA in 2010 and I WFH, but were I still in an office and getting sensitivity training for this garbage I’d have a real problem.

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I claim religious exemptions.

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I claim giving a shit about grammar.

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They seem to think that their “gender identity” is the most important thing that ever happened.

How would you like to share an office with this?


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No thank you.

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I’m so enigmatic and special that I’m in between male and female!

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A hermaphroditic alien with a Ken-doll crotch.

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Jun 17, 2023·edited Jun 19, 2023Liked by William A. Ferguson

There is a very brief track by Phallus Dei called Confessio with a voice on each channel, two murderers talking to detectives.


Anyone opposed to the death penalty should listen to that.

I am totally pro-DP even though I’m a guy who will put a black widow spider outside rather than kill it. Because some people should die, and see it coming.

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I used to be against it, but I have come to the realization that there are some crimes that necessitate the perpetrator lean into the strike zone and take one for the team.

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